Everyone knows preparation is the key to law school success. So it goes without saying that the best time to prepare for law school is before your first day of classes. To be sure, the best law students are ready to succeed on day one. They’re not scrambling to get the supplies they need after 1L classes start. That’s why I created this checklist of the top 10 essential law school supplies.
1. Laptop
Simply put, you won’t survive law school without a fast and dependable laptop. This is one area where you don’t want to cheap out. In fact, the last thing you need is for your computer to break down during a final exam. I’ve seen in happen and the outcome is not pretty. A nicely-optioned MacBook Pro is what I recommend for law students.
2. Backpack
Law school will take a toll on you mentally, but it can also wear you down physically. Everyday you’ll be lugging around casebooks, a laptop, notes, and supplies. So you need a solid backpack, like the Fjallraven Kanken, that can stand up to three years of law school abuse.
Related: 7 Best Backpacks For Law School
3. Highlighters
Next up on our list of essential law school supplies is a good set of highlighters. This one should need no explanation. Pick up a pack of Sharpie Highlighters because you’ll use them every day. Personally, I like to keep things simple with classic yellow.
4. Book Stand
Law school demands a ton of reading, like when you’re up until midnight on a Tuesday pouring over constitutional law cases. Trust me when I tell you that your eyes, neck, and back will thank you for using a Book Stand. That’s because a book stand puts your casebooks at natural eye level, preventing you from hunching over, craning your neck, or looking down to read cases. If you’ve never used a book stand before, you owe it to yourself to give one a try.
5. Padfolio
Every law student needs to own a Business Padfolio. It’s practically a part of the attorney uniform. You’ll use a padfolio when interviewing for jobs, meeting with clients, and in court, just to name a few.
Hi, I’m JD. I graduated with Latin honors from a T14 law school, and I’m a current BigLaw attorney. So I know exactly what it takes to succeed in law school and thrive as a new associate. If you want to do the same, then I can help. Check out my coaching page for more info.
6. Post-it Flags
Post-it Flags are an absolute godsend in the practice of law. In addition to highlighters, they are the perfect tool for quickly identifying important information in your casebooks, notes, and outlines.
7. Coffee
Can you survive law school without coffee? Sure. But I wouldn’t recommend it. From all-night cram sessions in the library to preparing for moot court, coffee will help make law school bearable. Cafe Bustelo is my go-to coffee brand because it tastes great, packs a nice caffeine punch, and is incredibly affordable.
8. Interview Outfit
You need to dress for success.
For men, this means a well-tailored suit, a conservative tie, and quality leather-soled shoes with a matching leather belt.
Stick with wool suits. As far as colors go, navy blue and gray are your best bets.
I get all of my suits, shirts, and pants from Suit Supply.
For shoes and belts, I wear nothing but Allen Edmonds.
Pair Strand Cap-Toe Oxfords with a matching Manistee belt and you’ll be set for law school and beyond.
9. Headphones
Whether you’re listening to music while you study, or simply using them like earplugs to work in silence, headphones are an essential law school supply. These Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones are critically acclaimed and have performed flawlessly for me over the past several years.
10. Day Planner
Law school can be incredibly hectic. From studying, to student groups, to interviews, and office hours, you need a Day Planner to organize your schedule. Moreover, you’ll find the simple act of writing down the tasks you need to get done each day will work wonders for your productivity and ensure you accomplish your goals.
Final Thoughts
Everyone wants to start law school off on the right foot. So be sure to pick up these essential law school supplies today.
All the best,
P.S. My best-selling 1L outlines are now available for instant download as a printable PDF e-book for only $19.99. This means you’ll get all 5 of my 1L outlines (civil procedure, contracts, criminal law, property, and torts) in one convenient package. That’s more than 75 pages of the best outlines you can get your hands on. In fact, they’re the very same outlines I used to ace my 1L exams. Be sure to download your copy today because my 1L outlines are available for a limited time only.